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Shofar Newsletter!
The Shofar Newsletter has been published! Please see below for updated calendar information, a wonderful story and recipe and much more. Many thanks to Jody Moss for all the work she puts into this for our congregation!
A bissel history – Shavout
Spring is here and nearly gone! We ramped up for Passover, settled in for the counting of the Omer. Now, we are looking forward toward the celebration of Shavout. But…why? Click HERE for a history of why this is such a cornerstone celebration for us as a Jewish people.
10 Minutes of Torah – Parashat K’doshim
One of the gifts of Torah is how timeless the teachings truly are. This week’s portion addresses the notion of giving, and more importantly receiving constructive feedback. Click HERE for some insight from Rabbi Ben Spratt.
Yom HaShoah Thoughts
As we grieve through yet another synagogue shooting, it seems very appropriate to also reflect on the hatred our people have endured through the years. Please click HERE for the article titled Yom HaShoah: When Will Senseless Hatred Be a Thing of the Past?
Sukkot Thoughts
October 16, 2019 by mdesser • Uncategorized
Please see the Reform Judaism article by Chelsea Feuchs HERE about starting the year with Sukkot.